Best Support & Easy Maintenance

There are two things you need when you buy a Bus. 

Firstly, you need the best support in the event something happens. We think our Australian based team provide the best support in the market.

Secondly, you need a vehicle that has been designed to make it easy to service and repair. Read or view to discover how we designed Challenger Buses to be really fast and easy to service and repair. 

Best Support & Easy Maintenance 1

Best Support

Best Support & Easy Maintenance 2

Smart Engine Bay Layout

Best Support & Easy Maintenance 3

Smart Design = easy maintenance

For example:

  • easy access holes to suspension for quick repair,
  • easy access cooling system: easily removed for repairs, easy to keep clean.
  • Air tanks clever placement reduces potential damage and makes it easy to access 
  • Smart Door design reduces damage and cost to maintain. 
  • Dash technology components easily accessible 
  • Air lines with air jacks to make it easy to repair the vehicle.